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Tovuz is a rayon of Azerbaijan. It is situated between Shemkir and Agstafa, 360 km from Baku and 107 km from Tbilisi city. A major train line runs through the center, stopping at Tovuz Stansiya. Tovuz also borders Armenia near the village of Alibeyli. The town of Tovuz is a municipal center of this rayon.

Tovuz covers 412 km². The rayon is mountainous in the south, where it is crossed by the Lesser Caucasus mountains.[2] The region includes rich deposits of ores and precious metals, notably gold.

One of such magnificent places is Tovuz, which is located in the western part of Azerbaijan on the border with Georgia and Armenia. Here, the diversity of nature and warm and cheerful atmosphere will make you want to stroll through region and discover all its riches. Additionally, the site is home to many species of animals. Tovuz is also home to one of the main and ancient Alban settlements. The Alban temple, dating to the fifth century, and several other preserved structures once served as shelters for dervishes who led ascetic lifestyles. The region has very favorable conditions for wine growing. The history of wine production in Tovuz dates back to the 7th century and according to archaeological findings, which included vessels for wine storage and remains of tartaric acid, winemaking was common in the Tovuz and Ganja region during the early stages of social development. The area for grape plantations in the city stretches over more than 600 hectares.